Who is on the Lord’s side? We live in a world that requires you to choose sides. There is no in between, there is no neutral when it comes to serving God or serving Satan, We must choose one or the other. Some have concluded that they have made a choice by ...Continue
Nobody is Perfect! We live in a world today where almost everyone has bought into the mind set of Satan, a world where the words of our Lord Jesus are said to be too much. A world where people have accepted being less than what God says they can be, a world ...Continue
The Doctrine of Devils False doctrines about Christ are very harmful to all mankind. Satan has churches on earth masquerading as the church of God and their leaders are devils that teach a doctrine of deception which leads to destruction for it is written,” 9 Behold, I will make them of ...Continue
The Way There are many different beliefs in the world about what is right; there are many different ways for people to choose. But there is only one true way, only one way for the children of God for it is written,” 28 In the way of righteousness is life; and in ...Continue
Blame it on the Alcohol The world that we live in today is very loose and undisciplined when it comes to the subject of drinking alcohol. People refuse to listen to the voice of God when it comes to alcohol many of them were raised in homes of drinkers, generations and generations ...Continue
Be Holy for I am Holy The definition of Holy is to be pure, blameless, consecrated, a saint; according to the Greek word aylos hagios #40 in the Strong’s Exhaustive concordance of the Bible. We live in world that wants no part of this word Holy. People are praised for disobeying the ways ...Continue