Most High God Ministries

Get to know Jesus and the truth shall make you free John 8:32

Real Men Love Jesus!


Whom He Choose He Also Predestined

Real men love Jesus was started to introduce men to a true example of what men should look like according to the Word of God. There are many different ideas of what a real man should look like and most of them do not resemble what Jesus’ idea of what a man after God’s own heart looks like.

Real men love Jesus is an oasis available to men to provide guidance according to the words of Jesus the Christ.  The older man as well as the younger man can benefit and be encouraged from the Real Men Love Jesus stories here on Most High God Ministries website.

You’ll learn of the many testimonies of real men who love God from all walks of life, living their lives in love and obedience to Jesus.

Most High God Ministries encourages you to walk free from the image that this world has fashioned of what a man is supposed to be.


  • Vanity and Pride
  • Anger and Violence
  • Greed and Idolatry
  • Lust and Sexual Immorality
  • Lies and Fowl language
  • Drinking and Drugging

Break free from the bondage of sin and learn about Jesus from Real Men who Love Jesus! Read Testimonials From Men of Every Background and how they Found Christ.

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