Most High God Ministries

Get to know Jesus and the truth shall make you free John 8:32


A biblical breakdown of how God has given Power to those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Do we have the power to over come the world? Enjoy & please leave a comment after watching it.

Biblical Love

A breakdown of what Love truly is like. What’s Love gotta to do with it? The answer :everything! Leave a comment and tell a friend.

Go & Sin No More

A wonderful breakdown of the Word of God addressing the question, ” will a Christian always sin?” Minister Porter uses the word of God to answer this very important question.

The Love of Money

Today’s video sermon is all about Money and how the world has been deceived into loving money. Please comment and share with others

Love not the World

Bible Teaching about loving the world

The Gift of God

The story of Jesus the Christ

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